Johan en Ans Peels mailen: Vorig jaar hadden wij een prachtig huisconcert van Matthias Smolls uit Denemarken met oude folk, blues en country songs. Hij komt dit jaar weer naar Nederland en heeft nog paar plekjes in zijn agenda.
Een en ander volgens het Living Room concept, zie mail hieronder dus mochten er mensen zijn die interesse hebben, kunnen ze altijd contact opnemen.

Hello Johan,
F.W.Smolls calling the Netherlands,

Once upon a time, you wrote a note in my little green book, saying you would like to host a smoll living room concert. If you and the weather are up for it, Smolls would also very much like to play any outdoor location that means something special to you and your friends, a park, a garden, your favorite coffee place or teahouse … after all its called "the late spring tour 2018". Which by the way also will bring Smolls to Germany, Belgium and France. So please share, if you know good people there.

But most important, Smolls will come to your region on saturday 19.5.18
Let’s make a koncert happen.

The LRCC (living-room-concert-concept) is unchanged.

A) You´ll invite a group of music interested friends. 20-40 people make for a perfect acoustic concert audience. Remember to let your friends know, that both the concert and the artist is based on donations.

B) Smolls will play two completely acoustic 40-minute sets, composed of early country swing, country blues, gospel and ballads Smolls turns all that into uplifting old-time music.          

Check out this little video to get an idea, what uplifting old-time means to F.W. and feel free to share it with interested friends.

I really hope to hear from you and to get a chance to entertain you and your friends in the month of may.

Happy springtime, you deserve it,

Ilon mentioned that you might have some more recomendations, ideas for other citys. Maybe you might be up for forwarding my request to your music loving friends in the NL´s.
I am going to be in the region of Zwolle, Meppel, Deventer on Thursday 17.5.2018. and in the Eindhoven area on Tuesday 22.5.18 and Wednesday 23.5.18.

Wil je Matthias Smolls in je huiskamer op een van de bovengenoemde data mail dan (in het Engels) naar: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Wil je eerst meer informatie of weten hoe de ervaringen van Johan en Ans zijn geweest, mail dan naar: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.