Stem nu voor Danny Guinan op NCRV-site

Danny Guinan stuurde ons het volgende mailtje:

Yeah, yeah,
here we come again looking for a few minutes of your precious time.
We have a couple of songs listed on the NCRV website which can be voted upon and the procedure is quite simple. VOTE NOW!!!!! Vote for us on the Dutch site (type 'Guinan' and click on 'zoeken', then click on the link for 'Danny Guinan & RED'.
On the right hand side you can register your vote for three songs, (two will be on the new CD))
If you could take the time to do this we would be eternally grateful, as we always are for these kind of things. The tracks are taken from the new live album which is due for release real soon. We'd really like to give this a big push so....PLEASE!!! Thanking you in advance,

STEM NU!!!!! Stem op ons op de NCRV site (tik 'Guinan' en klik op 'zoeken',klik dan op de link naar 'Danny Guinan & RED'. Aan de rechterkant kan je dan stemmen op 3 liedjes, waarvan twee op de nieuwe CD.)